The U.S. Pluto Return
Photo by Lucas Franco on Unsplash
It will be no surprise to anyone that knows some astrology that the country has been in the biggest Pluto transit that could possibly be: a Pluto Return. Pluto is returning to the place it was at the birth of the country on July 4, 1776. By definition, only a country has a long enough life span to have this transit, as Pluto takes roughly 248 years to go around the wheel of the zodiac. Pluto transits last about three years. This year of 2022 is the peak of a 3+ year event which has been building since 2020 (exact dates at bottom of post).
The main themes of any Pluto transit, whether for an individual or for a country, are:
Facing the shadow
Confronting fears
Endings and new beginnings
Healing and regeneration
The United States has certainly been experiencing these themes over the past two years. Now we are entering the peak year of this transit. What does that mean, for the country and for each of us as individuals?
The Pandemic
Pluto times ask us to get to the root of our deepest wounds. Only in becoming aware of the wounds that drive us are we able to heal them. With the Pluto Return, we are engaged in this process of awareness and healing as a country and as individuals.
The pandemic has certainly brought our wounds to the surface. Right now conflict abounds as each of us navigate our own fears. Many have resultant (or re-triggered) PTSD as a result of the pandemic. Many are triggered, and therefore want to find safety and certainty. The low road response is to engage in an “us vs. them” mentality. The high road is to move away from judgment of others and keep our focus on the inner work we each need to do.
Whatever your beliefs about COVID and vaccination, you have had to wrestle with fear. It might be the fear of getting the virus, or of losing a loved one to it. It might be the fear of a loved one turning their back on you. It could be the fear of isolation. Or perhaps the fear of being exiled from the herd. It might also be the fear of having no control.
These fears are natural. For many, fear has turned to reality. But how each of us reacts to the fear drives how we treat each other. And how we treat each other right now is determining how the Pluto Return unfolds.
The End of Democracy (?)
The pandemic is but one facet of this Big Pluto time for the country. Pluto in Capricorn has shown us the specter of authoritarian rule, and a possible future in which our democracy will crumble. Our worst fears as a nation are becoming material. We may be losing the very principle upon which our country was founded. As Supreme Court decisions continue to erode voting rights, I don’t believe I’m overstating this.
Authoritarian regimes historically have taken root during a time of heightened fear. Mass fear leads to scapegoating, “othering,” and division. We are in a very vulnerable time. And during vulnerable times, we often operate at the level of our worst common denominator.
As astrologer Robert Hand writes: “The nature of Pluto is similar to that of the Hindu god Shiva, the creator and destroyer. Pluto usually begins by breaking down a structure; then it creates a new one in its place.”* In its optimal expression, Pluto Return in Capricorn offers the opportunity to reform health care, elections, and social justice. These structures are clearly breaking down. The hope is that we can build something new from the ashes.
With any Pluto transit, healing is available. Reformation can be the road that we choose. But each of us will need to take responsibility for our own shadow, rather than projecting it onto others, in order for that to happen.
The U.S. Pluto Return and You
Mundane Astrology is the branch of astrology whose subjects are the events of geographical regions, places, countries and the whole world. The U.S. Pluto Return is an example of this type of astrology, focused upon the collective rather than the individual. You may rightly ask: What can I do about this? It can be tricky to figure out how to bring these collective energies down to earth in our daily lives.
For example: What does it mean for each of us to “own our shadow,” rather than projecting it?
Here are some questions for reflection:
-What are a few of the specific fears that have arisen for me since 2020?
-What have I learned about myself as I have dealt with these fears so far?
-How can I make more space in my life to consciously work with my fears going forward?
Some ways we can create space to work with our fears might include: journaling, confiding in a friend, entering therapy, joining a support group, or diving into a creative project. Confronting our fears and making our wounds conscious is part of Shadow Work. And we cannot do Shadow Work, paradoxically, by staying in the shadows. We have to make visible and bring light to the very things we are most afraid to look at. This can often best be done with some kind of container of support.
If you find yourself in conflict with another, it can also be helpful to remember that the person is likely acting from fear. Knowing this can help to depersonalize and de-escalate conflicts. This is not an excuse for bad behavior. But we can try to remember that each of us is wrestling with our shadow right now. In a challenging time, the best we can do is to have compassion for the struggle of another.
Pluto Return Facts
Exact Dates: Feb 20th, Jul 10th, and Dec 28th of 2022
Dates that the Pluto Return is/has been in range using a 2.5 degree orb (these are approximate):
-the entire month of April 2020 where it stationed Rx at 24 deg. 59 min
-1/27/21 - 8/8/21
-12/2/21 - 3/27/23 (includes all of 2022)
-6/7/23 - 1/23/24
-8/28/24 - 11/23/24
*Quote by Robert hand from Planets in Transit: Life Cycles for Living
More reading on Pluto: