The Astrology of 2022
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash
The following is an overview of collective influences for 2022. I’ll be going into each of these in more detail as they happen throughout the year.
Helpful Tips:
Mark any or all of the following dates on your calendar of choice. For example, I always mark the Mercury Retrograde dates for the year ahead on my Google calendar with a special color coding for “astrology.” I note the eclipse dates for myself in the same way.
Reflect on your life in the context of these transits. I have noted the last time each of these events happened. This is to give you a point of context in the past. You can ask yourself: What was going on then? Often those themes will show up again, but you can now work with them more consciously. It’s also helpful to know how common–or how rare–they are.
As always, the collective events are happening within your individual chart. If you’re interested in finding out more about how these transits are affecting you, schedule a year-ahead reading.
Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces
Dates: Exact Apr 12, range of influence Mar - May
Last time this occurred: 2009 (but in Aquarius)
Jupiter and Neptune are co-rulers of Pisces. When they come together, they embolden each other in their shared aim to expand our consciousness. Jupiter invites us to explore the unknown and expand our horizons. Conjunct Neptune, there is an opportunity here to be able to tap into what makes life meaningful for us. We can do this by having adventures in Neptune/Piscean territory: the otherworld, the unseen world, the realm of archetypes. This time can be great for exploring a new spiritual practice, working with your dreams, and/or studying any aspect of the metaphysical. The point is to leave familiar dogmas and beliefs behind so that you are truly open to the magic that presents itself.
The shadow of this transit is escapism. There are many ways to check out, and throughout the pandemic, most of us have explored them. We have needed to escape, and there is no shame in that. However, the danger is that, as Jupiter magnifies what it touches, we’re more prone to excess during this time. We will feel a stronger pull toward numbing out, and that can lead to minor mishaps or major health problems. We will need to actively connect to what makes life meaningful for us in order to avoid this shadow road.
Jupiter is in Pisces
Dates: May 13, 2021-Jul 28, 2021; Dec 29, 2021-May 10, 2022, Oct 28-Dec 20, 2022.
Last time this occurred: 2010
Jupiter in Pisces expands our capacity to feel. We are more able to tap into compassion for self and others. If used intentionally, we are able to open up to others and make more heartfelt connections with those we love. We are also more able to find empathy toward those with whom we disagree. But with Jupiter, we must take a risk by making a move toward uncomfortable territory. Jupiter wants us to grow beyond our usual limitations, in whatever area it’s lighting up. In this case, we’re invited to spend time making a conscious effort toward connection rather than separation.
Jupiter enters Aries
Dates: May 10 - Oct 28, 2022, then Dec 20, 2022 - May 16, 2023
Last time this occurred: 2010-2011
Jupiter in Aries supports us in making fresh starts and new beginnings. This will be especially refreshing after a time of pronounced endings (Jupiter in Pisces). If you have a new project or job, a creative project you want to launch, Jupiter in Aries can help you. But you must be willing to take a risk. It is time to step up and be courageous. Aries energy helps us to face our fears. With Jupiter magnifying what it touches, we can be braver than usual.
The shadow possibility is a rise in the “me first” mentality that already abounds. At its worst, this could result in an increase in violence and unrest. This may be hard to avoid. But as Aries is about free will, we each need to exercise ours and choose to focus on the positive new beginnings that we can create in our lives.
Pluto Return in Capricorn in the United States Chart
Dates: Feb 20, Jul 10, Dec 28 (exact), but in range all of 2021, 2022 (peak year), and 2023
Last time this occurred: Never! (Pluto takes 240 years to return)
Pluto moves slowly, and takes about three years to make a transit in any chart. 2022 is the middle, or “peak year,” of this event. It has actually been building for all of 2021.
The rest of this overview is about collective influences, i.e. those that affect the entire planet. But this is such a major event in the U.S. chart that I felt I should address it here. Pluto times force us to face our shadow. Pluto in Capricorn has shown us the possibility of authoritarian rule, and a possible future in which our democracy will crumble. Our worst fears as a nation are becoming material. Pluto Return in Capricorn offers the opportunity to reform the systems that are clearly broken: health care, elections, justice. With any Pluto transit, healing is available. Reform and repair can be the road we go down. Each of us will need to take responsibility for our own shadow, rather than projecting it out onto others, in order for that to happen.
(For a very thorough article on this topic, please read Ray Grasse’s article from The Mountain Astrologer.)
Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius
Dates: Exact Apr 4, in range Mar 26 - Apr 14
Last time this occurred: Mar 2020
Mars moves quickly, and I don’t always note Mars aspects as a major influence for the year. However, this aspect is significant as the last time it occurred, it was March of 2020. Does that date ring any bells??? If you find yourself feeling restless, grumpy, or a little resentful during this time, you will likely not be alone. I imagine that at the two-year mark of COVID, we will all be feeling some of these things. Mars in Aquarius is a rebel, sometimes without a cause. Saturn here is saying: “You’d better find a cause.” Meaning, this energy can go sideways on us unless we channel it into something useful. This can be a good time to work hard on a project that will consume a great deal of time and energy. It will be better to focus on moving toward cherished long-term goals by taking action toward them. That will be a means to soften some of the rough edges of this transit. Focus on what you can change, and let go of the rest as best you can.
The Eclipses are all in Taurus and Scorpio
Partial SOLAR Eclipse Apr 30 in Taurus
Total LUNAR Eclipse May 16 in Scorpio
Partial SOLAR Eclipse Oct 25 in Scorpio
Total LUNAR Eclipse Nov 8 in Taurus
Last time this occurred: The eclipses were last in the Taurus/Scorpio axis from 2012-14.
The Nodes are now traveling through Taurus/Scorpio for the next 1 ½ years, and so we have the eclipses in these opposing signs as well. The Taurus/Scorpio axis is about stability vs. risk. Eclipses highlight those issues that we are ready to bring out of the collective unconscious and into the light of conscious awareness. When the eclipse connects with a sensitive area in your natal chart, it can indicate an opportunity period for growth, release, and healing in that area.
Taurus is the sign of security, stability, and calm. Scorpio is the sign of risk, vulnerability, and intimacy. With these eclipses, the work is to balance this polarity. We need to keep taking risks, despite our desire to stay in our comfort zone. At the same time, it is important to invoke our need for security and safety, especially when life can seem like one crisis after another.
You can read my post on the Taurus/Scorpio series of eclipses HERE
Mars Retrograde in Gemini
Dates: October 30, 2022 - January 12, 2023
Last time this occurred: Sep - Nov 2020 (in Aries)
Mars retrogrades are times when we are likely to experience blocks to action. This Gemini retrograde will be time to be extra cautious with our words. This is also a good time to step back and reconsider some of the beliefs that are holding you back. Is it time to untangle some of the stories you have been weaving? The challenge here is getting wrapped up in your own perceptions and forgetting to listen. If we are willing to slow down and call out the inaccuracies in our own thinking, we will be able to communicate more effectively going forward. It’s a good time to get to the root of how any inaccurate beliefs are holding us back from taking action and getting what we want.
Mercury stations retrograde four times this year
The Mercury Retrogrades this year will mostly be in air and earth signs: Aquarius/Capricorn, Gemini/Taurus, and Libra/Taurus. There will be a final Mercury Retro at the very end of the year on December 29th that is solidly in Capricorn.
Air is about the mental realm: inspiration, ideas, and communication. Earth is about the physical realm: manifestation, doing, and being. With air and earth themes combined, it will be a good time to get proof of concept. We will need to reality-test our ideas during the Mercury Retrograde periods. It’s not enough to talk about something–it’s time to start doing. Only then can we see what needs to be repaired or reconsidered.
You can find the exact dates for the next three retrogrades HERE
(you will also find a free eBook at the bottom of this page: “How to Work with Mercury Retrograde”!)
And for and even more detailed forecast for the year, here is my appearance on The Big Séance talking about the Astrology of 2022: