Jupiter in Aries
Photo by Colter Olmstead on Unsplash
When any planet enters Aries, it’s a big deal. Zero degrees Aries is the beginning of the zodiac wheel, and therefore marks the beginning of a cycle. Jupiter moves around the zodiac in 12 years and takes about one year to move through a sign. It will be in Aries for the better part of 2022 and the first half of 2023, dipping back into Pisces for a bit this fall (exact dates at bottom of post). Jupiter is both ending a cycle and is reborn as it moves into the sign of beginnings.
For the collective, Jupiter’s current sign reveals the path to finding vision, optimism, faith, confidence, and opportunity. Jupiter in Aries invites us to expand our world through new endeavors. Aries is bold, passionate, and assertive. Embodying these qualities will help each of us to reconnect with faith in ourselves.
As the ruler of fellow fire-sign Sagittarius, Jupiter is in friendly territory while it moves through Aries. Jupiter’s aim toward expansion is fueled by Aries’ courage. Jupiter’s tour through Aries is a call to action. It’s time to take that first step, rather than letting our dreams stay inside of us. Jupiter’s recent conjunction with Neptune in Pisces signified a time of questing for a vision. But its time in Aries will prompt us to move toward the vision’s manifestation. Aries is a sign that pushes us to act decisively, asserting our free will. Physical action is now required to accompany the idealistic notions gleaned from Jupiter’s transits through Pisces and Aquarius.
Jupiter also calls upon us to take risks to receive its gifts. The need for risk-taking is magnified during this time, as Aries is already about risk. The ambient energy of Jupiter in Aries can help us to set things into motion, even when we are afraid to. This is a time of feel the fear and do it anyway.
The shadow side of Jupiter in Aries is also available. This could manifest as taking stupid risks, being aggressive rather than assertive, and letting our anger rule our actions. On the collective level, the narcissists and the bullies are more able to expand their reach. Another shadow likely expressed on the individual level is that we might let adrenaline run the show, running around like “chickens with our heads cut off,” acting without any rhyme or reason.
The period when Mars aligns with Jupiter in Aries could be a potent time for the shadow. Mars, ruler of Aries, enters Aries on May 24th and conjuncts Jupiter on May 29th, so the themes of Jupiter in Aries will be extremely potent and visible during the last week of May and first couple of weeks of June. This could tip the balance toward anger and violence.
It will be very important for each of us to consciously touch in with the balance point of Libra (Aries’ opposite sign) in order to temper this volatility. We will be tempted to engage in pointless conflict, frittering away our energy in battles that can never be won. But instead, we must work to remain centered, balanced, and fair in our interactions with others during that period of May and June.
On the positive side of this “fuel for fighting” that Jupiter in Aries brings, it is a powerful time to defend our rights. We can channel our energy by fighting for the things that are important to us and by working to rectify the inequalities that upset us.
This will be an exciting time, but it could also be an exhausting one. Be sure to lean into that polarity point of Libra, which means this: take time to enjoy the peace in your life, where you can find it. In doing so, you’ll be reminded of what you are fighting for.
Jupiter in Aries dates:
Jupiter enters Aries - 5/10/22-10/27/22
Leaves Aries and re-enters Pisces - 10/27/22-12/20/22
Jupiter re-enters Aries - 12/20/22-5/16/2023
Last time Jupiter was in Aries - 2010-11
Important aspects:
Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries - exact May 29th
Mars in Aries (with Jupiter) - May 24th - July 4th