What is the Mercury Retrograde Shadow?
Photo by Bekir Dönmez on Unsplash
Mercury has stationed direct after its retrograde in Gemini and Taurus. For the next two weeks, we’ll be in the post-shadow period. Every Mercury Retrograde has a pre-shadow and post-shadow period. The pre-shadow begins about two weeks before the retrograde, and the post-shadow ends about two weeks after Mercury stations direct. I often get asked how to use these times. Are the shadow periods just “Mercury Retrograde lite”? No. I’ve come to realize that, like any other planetary cycle, they go more smoothly for us when we align with the energies at play. The pre- and post- shadow of Mercury Retrogrades can be use with intention. The more conscious of these periods we are, the more we can benefit from them.
(You can always find the dates for the current and upcoming Mercury Retrogrades PLUS their pre- and post-shadow periods HERE.)
The pre-shadow period is about preparation. When you see a Mercury Retrograde coming up on your calendar, don’t panic. There are things you can do to prepare. Mercury is the planet of mind. During this period, what is most helpful is to clear your mind and get centered. The following prompts can be used for journaling in order to get a clearer headspace before the retrograde begins:
What would you like to consciously work on during the retrograde? Or, what are you ready to learn about yourself?
Ask your guidance: What do I need to do so that my Mercury Retrograde will go as smoothly as possible? Then write whatever comes to you.
Make of list of questions that have been on your mind. Set the intention to receive guidance on the answers to these during the retrograde period.
If journaling doesn’t do it for you, you can talk through these same topics with a friend.
The pre-shadow is also a good time to clear your life of clutter, literally and figuratively. Write a list of the top five things that you’ve been worrying about. On that list of things, is there anything you could just take care of quickly, even though you’ve been resisting it? If you can take care of some of those things that are within your control, then there are less things that could potentially go awry during the retrograde.
The post-shadow is about integration. Think of Shavasana at the end of yoga practice. A good yoga teacher will stress the importance of this resting pose, even though it is tempting to skip it and move on to the next thing. Shavasana is the time to receive and enjoy the benefits of your practice. It reminds us to balance movement with stillness.
Mercury Retrograde itself echoes this idea, of remembering that stillness is part of the cycle of things. We cannot be endlessly producing, accomplishing, and creating. The retrograde time gives us permission to step out of the fast-moving river of life and stand on the shore for a while. We get a shift in perspective when we follow the instinct to listen rather than to talk, to allow rather than to push.
The post-shadow period is a valuable part of the process. Much like Shavasana gives us permission to linger a little longer before rushing back to our scheduled lives, the post-shadow does this on a bigger scale. Rather than springing forward just because Mercury is now direct, you could take that extra beat to reflect on what you learned during the retrograde, and what you want to do differently going forward.
Here are some ways to integrate your Mercury Retrograde experience:
Take time each day to spend 10-15 minutes in resting pose. This is harder than it sounds! But let yourself just lay on the floor, or anywhere you’re comfortable. Don’t do anything. Don’t listen to anything or read anything. Don’t even try to meditate. Just hang out. Notice what comes up.
Take a few minutes to free-write about your Mercury Retrograde experience. What happened to you during that time?
Ask yourself: If I had to give my Mercury Retrograde time a title, what would it be?
The common thread through these prompts and exercises is that they can help you to reconnect with yourself. That is one of the gifts that Mercury Retrograde has for us, always. Taking the time to bring its lessons to light will also help you to receive whatever other gifts any Mercury Retrograde has for you.