Cancer, Astrology, New Moon Dena Cancer, Astrology, New Moon Dena

Gemini Medicine

Gemini is often portrayed as an intellectual sign. With Gemini, it’s all about the head, right? But in astrology, each sign is connected to the one before and the one after, in their order on the wheel of the zodiac. The lessons gleaned from working with one sign make us ready for the lessons of the next. Gemini is followed by Cancer, a sign of empathy, sensitivity, and emotional connection.

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The Saturn Pluto Conjunction: Clearing Blocks to Our Power

The planets dance with each other, cycles forming between them. These are called synodic cycles: the relationship between one planet and another as they move from a joined position (conjunction), then around to that same position again. The process varies in length of time, depending upon the planets involved.

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Tapping Into Taurus

Here at the peak of spring, I am certainly feeling full of creative energy. The planets further embolden this fertile time. We currently have Mercury, Venus, and Chiron in Aries. Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, is about new beginnings. With a concentration of bodies in this fire sign, it’s time to plant seeds for the things we want to manifest.

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Dena Dena

Chiron in Aries: Fight for The Right to be You

Chiron dipped into Aries for part of 2018 (April – September) and in February of 2019 solidly entered Aries where it will remain until 2026. Chiron’s passage through Aries will push each of us to claim who we are.

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