Tapping Into Taurus
Here at the peak of spring, I am certainly feeling full of creative energy. The planets further embolden this fertile time. We currently have Mercury, Venus, and Chiron in Aries. Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, is about new beginnings. With a concentration of bodies in this fire sign, it’s time to plant seeds for the things we want to manifest.
This energy is about to gain a steadier pace as Mercury and then Venus will eventually shift to Taurus (May 6th and 15th, respectively). Currently, the Sun is in Taurus, helping us to get grounded and gather what we need in order to bring those seeds to fruition. Uranus also continues along in this sign, encouraging us to break out of old patterns in our relationship to resources and to experiment with new ways to bring in abundance.
Photo by Leonie Fahjen from Pexels.
More Taurean energy arrives this Saturday (May 4th at 3:45 PM) in the form of a New Moon in Taurus.
Here is an excerpt from a previous post I wrote on the topic :
Taurus is about our connection to our body. It is also about simplifying our lives in practical ways so that we can feel secure. Ultimately, the message of Taurus energy is: Get grounded. Get in your body. Calm down.
Calming down may seem a difficult assignment when so many things are up in the air, so many things are out of our control. But rather than feeding into the collective fear and frenzy, we can instead connect to ourselves. We can do this by being present to our daily lives and to the simple pleasures all around us. We can heal our anxiety through connection to nature and animals.
It strikes me that even though I wrote these words a couple years ago during a one of the many particularly challenging times in our country, they are still applicable today. There are, and always will be, things beyond our control. There will always be collective fear and frenzy. We can choose to tap into that fear. We can choose to feed into our own anxiety by focusing on what we cannot control.
Or, we can come back home to our bodies. We can still the mind. We can become quiet with ourselves. To do so, we must call upon our inner Taurus. Taurus medicine helps us to experience stillness, to stay calm amidst the storm.
The days leading up to and away from Saturday’s New Moon is a perfect time to tap into Taurus. Here are some “Presence Practices” to help you consciously call in Taurus energy:
Take a walk outside. It does not have to be long; even 20 minutes can help. Focus on your breath. Become aware of the sounds and sights around you. Feel your steps on the ground.
Spend a few minutes of quiet cuddling with someone you love. This could be a person or an animal :-)
Receive body work. It’s a great time to get a massage, pedicure, or other physical pampering. Choose something that is soothing to you.
Practice “mindful eating.” Choose a favorite meal to appreciate. Then, chewing slowly, allow yourself to savor the flavors and textures.
Allow yourself to be a bit lazier than usual, especially around the New Moon. Build in time for rest, napping, and generally being a couch potato.
These simple activities can help us to take advantage of the gifts of Taurus-time.