Mercury Retrograde in Libra and Virgo
Photo by Faye Cornish on Unsplash
This Mercury Retrograde will station in Libra on September 9th, then move back into Virgo, where it stations direct on October 2nd (see all exact dates at bottom of post).
Although Libra is often associated with relationships, there’s more to it than that. Libra is the sign of creating peace and harmony within ourselves. It’s about the ways that we try to find balance in our lives. Libra energy strives toward harmony between opposing forces. During the time when Mercury Retrograde is in Libra (and during the post-shadow), we will be shown what is out of balance in our lives, so that we might attempt to bring it to rights.
Whether or not we want to see what is shown to us is another story. Mercury Retrograde can bring to the surface those things we’ve been sweeping under the rug (and down into our unconscious). The challenge before us during any Mercury Retrograde is to be observant. We can watch for the messages that come in unusual ways, such as via synchronicity or nighttime dreams. By paying attention, we become aware of the roots of disharmony within us. In this way, we may use this time to recalibrate. In doing so, we will be more likely to curb the likelihood of discord in our relationships.
The shadow side of Libra will also show up during this time. One way this can be expressed as unhealthy self-soothing behaviors that keep us comfortable, but stuck. Rather than beat ourselves up about this (which is Shadow Virgo behavior), we could instead proactively choose healthier ways to soothe ourselves.
Questions for Reflection: Mercury Retrograde in Libra
What area of my life is most out of balance right now?
What are the top three things that contribute to this lack of balance?
What are some healthy ways to soothe myself when I am stressed?
During the period that Mercury spends in Virgo (9/23 - 10/10), it will be opposing Neptune in Pisces (near exact on the direct station date of 10/2). Mercury rules Virgo and Neptune rules Pisces, so the qualities of this polarity are amplified during that window. The signs that are opposite each other can help each other in their shared aims, each supplying something the other needs. Mercury in Virgo wants to organize. Neptune in Pisces wants to dream. This period where Mercury and Neptune are opposing each other will be a powerful time to cultivate a vision for the next chapter of your life and create a plan for how you’re going to get there.
Questions for Reflection: Mercury Retrograde in Virgo
What daily routines support my sense of peace?
What are the routines that most support my wellness on each level? (the four levels being: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual)
What are some grounded steps that I can take to implement these routines?
When Mercury moves forward into Libra, still in its post shadow (10/10 - 10/16), it will be a good time to reach out to allies and friends that can help and support you in your plans.
Mercury stations retrograde: Sep 9th at 09° Libra
Mercury enters Virgo moving retrograde: Sep 23rd
Mercury stations direct: Oct 2nd at 24° Virgo
Mercury re-enters Libra: Oct 10th
Mercury opposes Neptune: Sept 23rd - Oct 10th
Pre-shadow: Aug 20 - Sep 9, post-shadow: Oct 2 - 16
Related Post:
Post: What is the Mercury Retrograde Shadow?
Want to know how to work with Mercury Retrograde? You can get my free eBook HERE