Scorpio Season 2023
Photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash
Scorpio Season begins on October 23rd and ends when the Sun enters Sagittarius on November 22nd. Mercury and Mars are also in the water sign during most of this period, so we will have those three bodies in Scorpio until November 9th.
With Mercury and Mars accompanying the Sun in Scorpio, the themes of this sign are magnified. Scorpio is a sign of introspection. By embracing Scorpio, we can see deeply into the heart of things, and at our best, courageously root out the truth. With the prevailing Scorpio vibes, we are also more able to investigate our fears and to confront them.
It’s no coincidence, then, that Halloween occurs during Scorpio season. The pagan holy day Samhain (from which Halloween derives) marks the point on the Wheel of the Year when the days grow noticeably shorter in the northern hemisphere. Leaves are falling from the trees. Our thoughts naturally turn to the idea of mortality. All things must end, and there is a passage into darkness before the cycle begins again.
On October 28th, we have a Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Taurus (Sun in Scorpio). (You can read more about this eclipse season HERE). At a Full Moon energy is culminating and then releasing. Emotional sensitivity is heightened. Tap into helpful Taurus energy by staying grounded and in your body during those days in order to avoid emotional overwhelm.
It will be good to have some focused intentions. For example, we can use this potent Scorpio Season for ceremony and ritual. If you want to connect with loved ones who have passed or with your ancestors, you can do so by creating an ancestor altar. I wrote a post about my own Samhain ritual a few years back, which you can find HERE.
What ritual might you perform, at this powerful time when the veil is thin? Is there a deceased loved-one with whom you wish to connect? Is there something you’d like to heal between you? Is there something you’d like to ask your ancestors to help you with? Now is the time. And it’s not just on Halloween, or on the Full Moon/Eclipse, although those are powerful days. All these weeks around the peak of fall hold the energy of the thinned veil.
Here are some suggested activities you can perform any time during Scorpio Season:
Give away or donate things you no longer want or need.
Cleanse your home of the energies of the past year with sage or frankincense.
Spend focused time alone and in meditation, reflecting upon all that has occurred in the past year.
Aim your rituals and intention toward shedding, releasing, and letting go of all that which you do not wish to bring into the new solar cycle that begins on Winter Solstice. Let go into the dark those things that you don’t want to bring with you by the time the light begins its return.