Jupiter in Taurus
Photo credit: Photo by Anand Thakur on Unsplash
Jupiter enters Taurus on May 16, 2023 and will be there until May 26, 2024. Jupiter goes around the zodiac every twelve years, so the last time this occurred was 2011-2012.
Taurus is about our connection to our bodies and to our resources. When we have attended to the needs of our body, we feel safe. When we know we have enough resources, we feel secure. Taurus in its optimal expression is the peace that comes from knowing that our material world is in order. Taurus energy is that satisfaction we feel when we are well fed, there is money in the bank, and we even have time to take a nap. Our basic needs are satisfied.
Jupiter magnifies the themes of the sign that it’s in, so in this year ahead the areas of health and money are front and center. Jupiter brings abundance and opportunity. We will be given the chance to improve our health and grow our resources.
With any Jupiter event, we are also asked to take the leap into new territory in order to reap the benefits. Jupiter requires us to let go of tried-and-true approaches in favor of embracing the unknown. We can release attachment to our habits that keep us stuck regarding health and finances, if we are willing. Jupiter times invite us to explore our growing edges and to move beyond them.
Still, this is Taurus we’re talking about, not Aries. Jupiter in Aries was much more of a “go get ‘em” time wherein we were asked to break new ground and to do things that were scary to us. Jupiter in Taurus reminds us of the need to take it easy, already. If you’re fatigued from leaping into the unknown, it’s okay to stop and have a snack break or to be a couch potato for an afternoon. In fact, Jupiter wants you to know that these respites are also part of the process. Slow down: you’ll still get where you’re going.
The Shadow Territory
Every sign and planet has its shadow. Jupiter’s shadow territory includes delusions of grandeur and overestimating the chance that “something great will happen.” Some Taurus shadow possibilities are laziness, over-indulgence, and inertia. When these two come together, we could fall prey to the idea that somehow we will hit the jackpot without having to do any work. Or, we may over-drink, or eat our feelings, with a disregard for the cumulative effect it has on our health. As always, it is good to be aware of the shadow possibilities so that we can choose differently.
That warning in place, let’s explore the many benefits that Jupiter in Taurus is offering us.
Health is Everything
Taurus is about our connection to our body, and Jupiter’s presence here can help us to improve our health. We’ve all heard the following wisdom: “If you have your health, you have everything.” And the reverse is often true. The state of our health dictates every aspect of our life. We sometimes have to slow down enough to hear what the body is trying to tell us. During this transit, we can become more aware of the relationship between stress and our health. It will be more important than ever to find ways to regulate, to calm our nervous systems, and to get enough rest.
Even if you’re feeling fine, this is still a good time to be proactive and create a health routine that you want to stick with. And by “health routine” I do not mean it’s time to get out there and start running (unless that gives you a sense of peace) or go on a restrictive diet (that is just so not Taurus-y!). Instead, Jupiter-in-Taurus type health practices will be gentle, subtle, and consistent. Sleep hygiene would be included here.
Whatever routines you put into place, Jupiter will be magnifying the fixed quality of Taurus, giving us more ability to do something for the long haul.
Money, Money, Money
With Jupiter, planet of abundance, in Taurus, we have the opportunity to grow our wealth. The path to success here is to take things slow and steady. Be willing to stick with a strategy over time. If we take practical steps with patience, Jupiter will assist us by bringing opportunities to go the next step in our financial growth.
With Jupiter in Aries and Pisces over this past year, maybe you tapped into a vision of the abundance that you want in your life over the next few years. Then, you took some steps toward making it happen. You planted seeds. Now give them the water, light, and the love that they need. Jupiter in Taurus is the time to nurture those seeds in a steady, ongoing way.
If there are creative projects or business endeavors that you started but that have fallen to the wayside, it’s time to revisit them. Ask yourself: What does my dream or project need in order to thrive?
Taking the time to nourish the seeds we have planted is what Jupiter in Taurus is all about.
When in doubt: Simplify!
Another message of Taurus is to simplify. When in doubt this year, look at the benefits of simplifying wherever possible. If there is a particular ongoing issues in which you’d like to invite in Jupiter’s help, ask:
Where am I overcomplicating matters?
How could I simplify this situation?
What could I take off of my plate?
We can apply this strategy of simplification especially to the areas of money and health more easily now. For example, rather than setting the bar high by taking on a complex new exercise regimen, think: What is one thing I could do each day to move my body?
Make it specific:
If you have planets in the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), Taurus will be making hard aspects to these planets sometime between May of 2023 and May of 2024. Hard aspects from Jupiter bring opportunities to go beyond your comfort zone. It brings up the need to improve and expand the areas of life associated with the planet(s) affected, while offering the assistance needed to do so.
Related “Let’s Get Real Astrology” Podcast Episodes:
Want to know how Jupiter in Taurus is affecting your natal chart? Schedule a reading HERE.
Want to be able to read your own natal chart? Learn how in my new book: Foundations of Astrology: A Workbook for Beginners