Aquarius: The Outsider and the Genius

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There are six planets, including the Sun and the Moon, in Aquarius as I write this. Whenever there is a heightened focus of planets in one sign, we are being given a message to meditate upon its themes. We will observe synchronicities that show us the meaning of the sign for us as individuals. And we can actively call forth the positive qualities of the sign to aid us in our endeavors.

Aquarius invites us to consider the benefits of being different. Many of us can connect with the feeling of being set apart from others in some way. Childhood offers plenty of opportunities to feel like the lonely weirdo, even if we don’t ultimately define ourselves as such. That is why we are drawn to stories about outsiders and orphans. We have all experienced the pain of feeling left out due to our weirdness.

One archetype of Aquarius is the Outsider. When we think of an Outsider, we might envision someone who is disconnected and lonely. But tapping into the positive expression of this archetype can help us to disregard the approval of others in a healthy way. Down that path lies freedom from the chains of cultural expectations. Embracing the Outsider within, we shape our own life in alignment with our authentic self. We avoid blindly following the siren song of what society tells us we should do or be. 

Another archetype of Aquarius is the Genius. The lack of need for external approval, and the willingness to be considered “weird”, is what allows us to discover our personal genius. The word Genius shares its roots with the word generate: To give birth to or to bring forth. We can only give birth to something new when we’re willing to walk away completely from old conditioning and “the way it has always been done.” When we let this genie out of the bottle, so to speak, we can create helpful change in the wider community.

For me, being an Astrologer has brought me in close contact with my role as an Outsider. (Aquarius lands on my Midheaven, the point in the chart related to one’s career path and worldly work). I held onto the vestiges of my mainstream teaching career for so long because I was afraid to claim this oddball career. Yet, my calling to astrology persisted. I finally decided that in order to become whole, I needed to stop hiding. After several years of fighting it, I became ready to let go of the need for others’ approval regarding my career choice. And since I have, I feel deep satisfaction as I follow my unique career path. Certainly many people do see it as weird. But I’ve learned that trying to fit in wasn’t helping me, and in fact it was keeping me from fully sharing my skills with others.

The next couple of weeks in particular are a good time to consider:

-In what area(s) of your life do you most often feel like the Outsider?

-How can embracing “Outsider status” help you right now in your life?

-What have people told you that you excel at, or have a particular “genius” for? 

-If you HAD to list three ways in which your Genius comes out into the world, what would they be? 

With the last question, let false humility drop (no one is reading this!) and take a few minutes to brainstorm it. Perhaps write a short journal entry. Own the badass Genius inside of you. Hint: We all have a Genius!

Do you see the ways that the Outsider and the Genius are connected?

Finally, Aquarius energy can assist us in getting out of ruts. During Aquarius times, we can make shifts in our lives proactively rather than reactively. This energetic support for breakthroughs and easeful change is in play strongly for the rest of the week, but even throughout great stretches of 2021, with Jupiter and Saturn occupying the sign. It’s time to step away from the herd, and to stand more fully in who you really are. Only in doing so can your Genius be unleashed.


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