Astrology Articles

Dream Work: Integrating Neptune

By Dena DeCastro

The topics of astrology and dream interpretation were simultaneous interests for me in my teenage years. I read voraciously about astrology and I practiced interpreting charts of friends and family. It was a long-held tradition among the women in our family to practice what I now recognize as Dream Work. We would tell each other of our significant dreams, then try to decipher their meaning for each other. Even then, I recognized astrology and Dream Work as complementary paths to self-understanding, even if I couldn’t yet put into words how these esoteric traditions were related…


House Rulerships and Dispositors: Useful Tools for the Beginning Astrologer

By Dena DeCastro

I once had a college roommate who was a skeptic; we were always arguing about astrology. Since I had newly discovered the wonders of reading charts, it was important for me to prove astrology's merit. When she finally agreed to let me to do a reading for her, I spent hours preparing — writing down every “cookbook” interpretation for each of her planets and noting all the important natal aspects. I wrote pages and pages of notes. The time of the reading arrived, and I confidently offered her tons of information — which is what I assumed she would want. I thought that the more information I could throw at her, the better the reading would be. Honestly, I was trying to “prove” astrology to her by blowing her away with how much data a reading could produce…


Pluto Transits: Alchemy and Initiation

By Dena DeCastro

For astrologers, an upcoming Plutonian time is often the most difficult to present to clients in a way that is both affirming and accurate. Not many of us want to say to our clients: “You’re about to be confronted by the reality that nothing is within your control” or “The themes of death and mortality are at the forefront for you right now.” On the other end of the spectrum, we don’t want to leave clients with the impression that their lives are going to be gently kissed by Pluto’s powerful magic and that things will simply be “transformed,” pain-free…


The Natal Moon–Saturn Connection: A Facebook Discussion

By Dena DeCastro

I consider my Moon–Saturn conjunction to be a defining feature of my birth chart. My lonely Moon and Saturn lie nestled together within the same degree (7° Taurus) in my 12th house and unaspected by any other planets. As with any natal chart feature, the Moon–Saturn connection reflects both potential burdens and gifts…


Neptune and Opening to Creativity

By Dena DeCastro

As I sat down to write this, I confronted the same struggles that I always do at the beginning of a creative project. I worry about my ability to complete the task. I want to jump up, run around the house, and clean everything. I am scared of failing. I feel like a fraud, imagining that I've only been able to fool people into thinking I'm a writer. The voices come in: "What if such-and-such reads this? What if nobody reads this at all?"…




Interview by Mystic Mag

Written by Miguel Amado